Energetic Ecology is
transforming our society, cities and lives
studying and stewarding the energies and forces shaping our world
An Energy Story:
The Time For Energetic Ecology Is Now
Energetics of Covid-19
Energetic Ecology is actively studying and addressing the energetic dimensions and impacts of coronavirus on the etheric, emotional, mental and relational ecosystems of our communities, humanity and planetary life.
There’s an energetic dimension to this health challenge that can bring insight and relief to our communities. As this virus is known to impact the respiratory system and lungs, it’s an essential part of the health strategy and healing solution to address, fortify and care for the energetic ecosystem and centers of energy that condition the health of the energetic and etheric heart, respiratory and immune systems. There is always an energetic dimension to be realized and cared for in any health event, and we are working on doing our part.
We’re on an individual and collective journey of evolving together as living energies through a diverse ocean and ecosystem of living energies.
To step forward together into the next chapter of our journey of discovery, wellbeing and progress as a society, it’s essential we explore, research, understand and steward this abundant universe of energies shaping our lives, society and future.
Without addressing our energetic ecosystem – this inner and outer ocean of energies shaping our lives –
and integrating Energetic Ecology into our local and global solutions,
efforts to heal our world, harmonize our relations, solve systemic challenges and realize our bright future together remain incomplete.
We’re working on making Energetic Ecology part of the equation of healing, uniting and evolving our world into the future.
A foundational principle of energetic ecology is – the wellbeing of our world is an expression of the wellbeing of our interconnected ecosystem of energies.
When we truly realize we are each living energies interdependently evolving through this ocean and ecosystem of energies we’re potent facets of, we’ll have started a new a chapter in our human and planetary journey of exploration, development, stewardship and being.
Energetic Ecology – the science, study and stewardship of the energies and forces shaping our lives – is one of the most pivotal, untouched fields informing and impacting our journeys of political, educational, cultural, economic and spiritual wellbeing and progress.
At present most of our human values, challenges and endeavors revolve around a primarily physical-centric view of our world – meaning our lives, consciousness, experiences, relationships, evolution and measures of science and success all happen through the lens of our world of physical energy-matter.
Our path of development as creative sentient beings is one of continuous awakening and unfoldment of our faculties of perception, interpretation and response into diverse worlds of energy.
As One Humanity, we’re just getting started on the great adventure of consciously waking up to and co-creating with our world’s ecosystem of living energies.
A next step forward on our developmental path as Humanity is the wise exploration, research and care of our energetic ecosystem and abilities to step forward together on our journey as a world steward of energies for our living Earth and vibrational Universe.
Energetic Ecology serves as a catalyst for our next evolutionary step forward into living, serving and co-creating as energetic stewards for the wellbeing of our world.
” it’s of immeasurable personal, economic, societal and spiritual value to proactively explore, care for, invest in and steward the energetic ecosystem shaping our lives and world “
Energetic Consulting
energetic leadership, wisdom and development with the art and science of energies
Energetic Research
energetic research and studies mapping the ecosystem of energies and forces shaping our lives and world
Energetic Advocacy
energetic advocacy focused on addressing the energetic dimensions of societal transformation
Energetic Healing
facilitating healing and regeneration with natural energies for the wellbeing of our past, present and future
Energetic Stewardship
pioneering stewardship of our interdependent personal, societal and planetary ecosystems of living energy
Energetic Ecology For Individuals
weekly custom-designed energetic ecology programs empowering the wellbeing, development and progress of seekers, pioneers, creatives and humanitarians
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schedule a discovery conversation to explore how Energetic Ecology can help fuel your path of evolution
Energetic Ecology For Missions Of Good
weekly custom-designed energetic ecology programs for empowering the wellbeing, development and progress of your mission or organization of good
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schedule a discovery conversation to explore how Energetic Ecology can help fuel your mission of good
Energetic Ecology For Society: Humanity, Cities & Earth
weekly custom-designed energetic ecology programs for improving the wellbeing of our Humanity, communities, cities and world by addressing societal causes and issues you or your endeavor care about
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be a sponsor of Energetic Ecology for Society to uplift our Humanity, Cities and Earth
” the history, progress and future of our world is determined by how we steward the creative ebb and flow of our ecosystem of living energies ”
Stewarding Our Energies
Our Energetic Ecosystem
We’re all interconnected through and impacted by the interdependent ocean of subjective and objective energies we’re composed of and part of.
We call this connective ocean of energies the Energetic Ecosystem.
Our journey of becoming and being as individuals, as communities, as nations and as Humanity is our journey of realizing, stewarding and evolving together with our inner and outer ecosystems of living energy.
This diverse ocean of energies and forces informs, shapes and contributes to the nature, psychology, consciousness, wellbeing and progress of our lives, society and journey of being.
When we awaken to and actively endeavor to develop and better our personal, societal and planetary energetic ecosystems, we’re on the way of being conscious energetic stewards caring for more of who we are, what we are part of, what’s shaping our society, how to improve solving our challenges and how we can co-create our bright future together.
A central key to stewarding our energetic ecosystem is realizing and caring for the development, influence and wellbeing of our centers of energy.
” it’s time we truly value and invest in the interdependent wellbeing of our personal, community, organizational and planetary centers of energy ”
Energetic Ecology of Centers
The Centers of Energy
In our work of Energetic Ecology, a central measure we use for assessing and addressing the energetic ecosystem and wellbeing of any life – whether that life is a person, neighborhood, world idea, organization, nation or Humanity – is the systematic charting of the state and condition of that life’s centers of energy.
The numerous interplays of energies and forces composing a life’s or community’s energetic ecosystem find their meeting ground in the centers of energy.
A foundational principle of Energetic Ecology is the interdependence of our individual, societal and planetary energy centers.
For example, if the living energy and organism of our Earth is experiencing strain or illness in one of its centers of energy, our society will register that strain or ailment in its corresponding center of energy to a greater or lesser degree.
Likewise, if the living energy of our Humanity is moving through a developmental milestone and healing of its heart center of energy, our Living Earth will register that budding and increased circulation of energy within the heart center of its being.
The Energy Center Chart – of an individual, an enterprise, a city, a nation and our Humanity – gives insight into the distinctive story and state of their energetic wellbeing, development of consciousness, challenges to be addressed and potentials to be investing in on their journey of evolution and being.
” we can’t effectively solve and steward what we can’t effectively perceive and measure ”
Case Study: The Energy of Democracy
Energetic Ecology for Georgia, USA
In the journey of the pioneering experiment of the United States and its continuing evolution of democracy through the 2020 election cycle, the state of Georgia is emerging as a pivotal regenerative agent in deciding the balance of the US Senate and its influence among the 3 branches of government.
” when we steward the energetic ecology of democracy, we contribute to creating the fit conditions for healthy communities, the social good and spiritual values to flourish “

Study Overview
At pivotal points of decision in the life of a nation on its path of evolution, service and being, a confluence of forces emerges to help it or hinder it in the crucial phase of navigating and choosing its way of good forward.
The US as a young life and developing democracy is currently in one of these confluences of forces and moments of choicemaking.
In November 2020, Energetic Ecology commissioned and initiated a study to evaluate the state of the energetic ecosystem of Georgia, USA and provide energetic stewardship to support optimal conditions in its process of choicemaking for the evolutionary progress of the state, the nation and citizens of the United States.
- Status of Study: In process | 30% completed
Energetic Ecology for Georgia, USA Choicemaking
Nov 2020 – April 2021 and ongoing
To contribute to strengthening spiritual agency, community knowledge and fit energetic conditions for the life and citizens of Georgia, USA to navigate and choose their way of good forward during this 2020/21 election cycle and beyond
We are employing a 4-fold process of energetic ecology for this study
1 – Energetic Consultation
2 – Energetic Research
3 – Energetic Stewardship
4 – Energetic Leadership
Key Findings and Impacts
- Georgia is emerging as a pivotal regenerative agent for the evolving life and spiritual progress of the United States and calls for more dedicated and ongoing energetic advocacy and stewardship for its path ahead
- Georgia’s base center of energy was assessed as a key force factor to be energetically monitored and cultivated to ground its higher purpose and values in this choicmaking cycle
- Discovering Georgia’s upper vehicle of spiritual development is in advance of its lower vehicle of physical expression and that it can be drawn forth to ground its higher vision and values for its way of progress ahead
Fields of Care Addressed
- Energy of Democracy
- Evolving Cities and Nations
- One Humanity, World Steward
Timeline and Duration
Phases 1 and 2 comprised a 6-month study for the pre-, active and post-choicemaking window of the Georgia Senate runoff from November 7, 2020 to Jan 5, 2021 through April 7, 2021. Phases 3 and 4 are current and ongoing.
Phase of Work Ahead
Our 4-fold work of Energetic Ecology specializes in deep study and wise stewardship of the ecosystem of forces conditioning Georgia’s climate of choicemaking
Phase 1 of 3 of Energetic Consultation
Phase 2 of 3 of Energetic Research
Phase 3 of 3 of Energetic Stewardship
Phase 4 of 4 of Energetic Leadership
Funding and Patrons
Studies like this are community- and citizen- funded and call for dedicated financial trusteeship and patrons to fuel their work.
If you or your endeavor find value in this Case Study of Energetic Ecology for Democracy: Georgia 2020, we invite you to fund Phases 3 and 4 and/or inquire about Energetic Ecology for the community or cause you care about.
Study Contributors
Study Stewards:
Energetic Ecology
World Good
Work Of The World Healers
Study Sponsors:
The Being Trust
Energy Arts Alliance
Be In Touch
To learn more about this study or ways to contribute, be in touch
” the energetic ecology of cities shapes and impacts the experiences and conditions of lives within them, and the energetic ecology of individual lives shapes and impacts the experiences and conditions of their cities “
Case Study: The Energy of Cities
Energy Study of Sarasota, Florida, USA
As Sarasota, Florida is entering into a phase of major development, expansion and population growth, we have efforts on the ground, studying its energetic profile and path of development as a center of energy in a significant US state that – like Georgia – is a major meeting ground of diverse energies and interests seeking to harmonize.
” when well developed crown, heart and base centers are in creative cooperation, choicemaking and community relations are grounded in truth, conscience and prosperity for everyone ”
pioneering the field of energetic ecology
the emergent field and work of energetic ecology calls for pioneering investment in and stewardship of the wellbeing of our shared ecosystem of living energies
discovery and custodianship of the living energies and energetic ecosystems shaping the vision, future and wellbeing of our world
bringing the discoveries of energetic ecology and our emerging wisdom of energies into experiential learning and culture
harnessing the natural laws and tools of energetic perception, regeneration and applied energies to help heal our communities
bringing our physical world experience, stories and communities into harmonious relations and our living universe of creative energies
exploring, atlasing and harnessing the knowledge and technologies of our energetic worlds for good
growing awareness, outreach support and collaboration around stewarding our world of energies
creating and evolving fit systems, frameworks and solutions to realize a culture of caring for one another
employing the creative and illuminating agency and power of meditation for transforming our world
bridging our knowledge and wisdom of the past for our current world with insight and foresight for our future
developing, utilizing and innovating objective and subjective technologies and tools for energetic ecology
building and engaging a dynamic network of subject, resource and field specialists and contributors
generating, reservoiring and circulating the resources and money for our bright future
The Energy of Democracy
caring for the vital work of energetic science, studies and stewardship to map and monitor the destiny, unique energy system and role of democracies on their paths of evolution and manage the essential work of helping create the fit energetic conditions for enlightened elected representatives to be attracted and elected to office as active bridging agents and ambassadors for the ecosystem of energies guiding the progress of the soul and citizenry of the nation as a whole
Cities and Nations
caring for the living energy and energetic ecosystem of our Cities and Nations as evolving lives and interdependent planetary force centers on their journey of health, consciousness and development.
Lives On The Path
investing in your energetic wellbeing and ecosystem of energies is one of the most essential, pivotal and transformative ways to bring health, balance and nourishment to your unique and universal path of being
Missions of Good
enriching and fueling the conditioning ecosystem impacting the evolution of collaborative world ideas, precipitating thoughtforms, values-driven endeavors and creatives dedicated to uplifting people, prosperity and planet for the wellbeing of the whole
Energetics of Covid-19
We’re studying and addressing the energetic dimensions and impacts of coronavirus on the etheric, emotional, mental and relational ecosystems of our communities, humanity and planetary life.
There’s an energetic dimension to this health challenge that can bring insight and relief to our communities. As this virus is known to impact the respiratory system and lungs, it’s an essential part of the health strategy and healing solution to address, fortify and care for the energetic ecosystem and centers of energy that condition the health of the energetic and etheric heart, respiratory and immune systems. There is always an energetic dimension to be realized and cared for in any health event, and we are working on doing our part.
Liberating Spirituality
the futuristic work of liberating and enlivening the evolution of spirituality as a united commons and shared mission for realizing who we are as spiritual citizens, what we’re part of as an interconnected spiritual organism with our living Earth and where we’re headed together on our joint spiritual journey of evolution through our universe of living energies.
Freeing From Materialism
freeing and illuminating the consciousness of our Humanity, our structures of society and way forward together from the imprisoning and oppressing forces and constructs of materialism, divisiveness and selfishness to a world powered by our self-initiated spiritual values, choicemaking and systems of mutual exchange
One Humanity, World Steward
empowering the living energy, awakening heart and energetic ecosystem of our Humanity as an evolving life and major planetary force center on its journey of health, consciousness, spiritual development and evolutionary progress.
Our Spiritual Earth
pioneering the transformative work of energetic science, studies and stewardship to care for and empower the living energy and energetic ecosystem of our Earth as a spiritual being, organism and center of energies within its expanded community of stellar lives on its journey of health, consciousness and evolution into our emerging energetic era
Societal Choicemaking
addressing and contributing to creating fit energetic relations, atmospheres, conditions and climates preceding, during and in the aftermath of significant evolutionary thresholds, decisions, choices, declarations and voicings of our individual and collective will to good for the whole
Animal Kindredship
liberating and healing the ills of humankind and animalkind relations and safeguard and improve the lives, habitats and living conditions of the kindred communities of our animal kingdom being impacted by imbalanced human activity, changing climate, deforestation, gaming and animal agriculture as an essential key to the realization of planetary peace, compassion and well-being
Incarnation and Discarnation
nourishing and enriching the communities of souls who are incarnating into the current and emergent planetary climate of energies and souls who are on their journey of discarnating, transitioning from this cycle of incarnated life and releasing from conditioning energies into the superphysical worlds
Intelligences of Nature
building healthy and harmonious relations with the “behind- the-scenes” forces of evolution – the creative builders and living energies of the Intelligences of Nature – to heal our world, develop our interworldly consciousness and care for our global commons
Global Events
caring for the energetic ecosystems of gatherings and conferences of change agents, spaces to make pivotal decisions for our bright future and the etheric, emotional and mental weather systems impacting our civic, social and economic climate
Spiritualizing Money
realizing the value of spiritualizing money, evolving the structures of monetary circulation and mobilizing financial trusteeship to free our Humanity to realize its potentials and contribute to our commons of good for the whole.
Our World Story Of Good
grounding the noble work of energetic science, studies and stewardship for the planetary commons of kindred spirits and ecosystem of energies shaping and endeavoring to bring our shared story loving relations, the universal values of cooperation and the developmental goals of humanity, our kingdoms of nature and the Being embodying our Earth to life.
Contribute To Help Heal And Transform Our World
Our work Energetic Ecology for Earth is fueled by dedicated kindred spirits, world citizens and endeavors who recognize the value of our mission, love our Humanity and care for the wellbeing of our interconnected world.
Dear, Kindred Spirit.
Our unique, pioneering mission is addressing essential societal forces and underrealized energetic dimensions of our shared story and journey of evolving together.
We invite you to be a dedicated patron generously aiding our societal work. If you have questions about giving or being a major patron of our mission, please contact us at: connect@energyartsalliance.com.
It’s in this moment that we’re each being called to come together for the healing and helping of our communities in need, our spiritual commons and our awakening world.
In Kindredship,
The Energetic Ecology Team
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” to heal our relations and society, we must wake up to and care for the interconnected ecosystem of energies we’re part of ”
Our Bright Future Is Energetic
Energetic Ecology is an essential solution for building our bright future together by studying and stewarding the ecosystem of energies shaping our society and lives.
If our work speaks to you and you have a calling or mission contributing to the wellbeing and progress of our interconnected society, humanity and world, we invite you to be in touch.
To our bright future.